Sleep specialists recommend that truck drivers get seven to eight hours of sleep

From time to time, unfortunately with increasing frequency in recent months, we receive tragic news that a driver had a heart attack while driving, or that he showed no signs of life for several hours and was found in the sleeping cabin of a truck at a truck stop, or that after work with chest pains he had to go to the hospital.

It is no secret that most truck drivers are forced into a lifestyle that increases the risk of health problems, especially heart disease. Prolonged sitting, irregular working hours, stress associated with driving a 40-ton colossus in various weather conditions, as well as an often unhealthy diet and lack of regular physical activity are just some of the factors leading to serious diseases.

Fortunately, truck drivers who show even a minimal dose of discipline and consistency can significantly reduce their risk and enjoy a long and happy life by adopting a few healthy habits.

Quit smoking. Recent studies have shown that 51% of truck drivers still smoke cigarettes, which increases the risk of heart disease fourfold. There are many ways to break this unhealthy habit, including nicotine replacement therapy and anti-smoking hypnosis.
Get enough quality sleep. Sleep specialists recommend that truck drivers get seven to eight hours of sleep, plus:
Parking the truck in a safe and quiet place
Covering the windows in the cabin with curtains or blinds
Possibly using eye masks and earplugs
Eat a healthy diet. Easy access to fast food that reigns supreme at truck stops is unfortunately one of the causes of an unhealthy diet rich in saturated fat and sugar. You can make subtle changes to your diet by taking healthy snacks with you on every route, including: vegetables, fruits, cereal bars, hard-boiled eggs, hummus with whole-grain crackers, or various types of nuts.
Exercise regularly. Lack of exercise increases the risk of serious health problems including diabetes, weight gain, some types of cancer, and heart disease. Just 20 to 25 minutes of brisk walking a day (150 minutes of walking per week is recommended) is enough to maintain good physical condition. When you add a few push-ups, squats and light stretching, the health benefits will increase tremendously.
Manage stress levels. You can’t avoid stress in the truck driver profession. Whether it’s situations on the road related to other users, extreme weather conditions, or chronic waiting for loading or unloading, stress accompanies us at every step. To reduce its level, you can learn and apply techniques that have existed for a long time. These include breathing exercises, meditation, visualizations, or even the simplest stretching of our body or yoga.
Also, don’t forget about prevention. You should have regular checkups, monitor your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. We suggest visiting the website [usunięto nieprawidłowy URL] which offers free LDL-C cholesterol tests. High LDL-C (“bad” cholesterol) can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke. High LDL-C has no symptoms. A cholesterol test is the only way to diagnose it.

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